Odisha Construction Corporation Limited, a state PSU invites applications from eligible candidates for the position of clerk. After satisfactory completion of 6(Six) years of contractual service, they may be inducted into regular cadre with the scale of pay in Level 5 at Cell - 1 of the Pay Matrix under ORSP Rules 2017. The selected candidates shall be posted to any unit of the Corporation located in the state of Odisha.
Unreserved: 5
ST : 2
SC: 1
Total Vacancy 9
The candidate should passed Bachelor in Graduation with PGDCA Certificate with 2 year post qualification experience from reputed organisation.
General Conditions:
(a) Age of the candidate shall be between 21 years to 32 years as on 31.08.2020.
(b) Age limit is relaxable for SC, ST as per ORV Act & Rules.
(c) Candidate belonging to SC, ST & SEBC are required to submit self attested copy of Caste Certificates issued by the competent authority along with their applications mandatorily.
(d) Application duly filled in and signed by the candidate in the prescribed format available in OCCL website: www.odishaconstruction.com along with self-attested copies of Certificates / Testimonials in support of the eligibility and recent passport size photographs (2 Nos.) in a cover super-scribed “Application for the post of Clerk (Contract)” should reach by post only to the Managing Director, OCC Ltd., Unit – VIII, Gopabandhu Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 751012 by 5.00 P.M. of 05.11.2020 positively.
Applicationreceived thereafter due to delay in postal or any other reason shall not be entertained and will be rejected.
(e) Incomplete application will be summarily rejected.
(f) The Management of the Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof.
(g) The Management of the Corporation reserves the right to cancel, amend or alter the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof.
(h) Originals of the testimonial are to be produced at the time of Skill test. Candidates employed in Govt. / Semi Govt. / PSUs will have to produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer at the time of Skill test. (i) Appointment shall be made by the competent authority based on the recommendation of the selection committee following the methods of written examination, Skill test including computer knowledge of the qualifying candidates.
(j) No TA & DA is admissible for attending written test and skill test.
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