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Recruitment  to the posts of Assistant Professors (Stage-I) in  different disciplines in Group-A of 

Odisha Education Servicc (College Branch) of Government Degree Colleges

*“             under Department  of Higher Education.


On-line  Applications   are  invited   from  the  prospective  candidates   through  the proforma  

application  to  be  made  available  on  Website  (http/logon  .  The  link  for registration/   

re-registration  &  payment  of  examination   fee  shall  be  available  from 26.10.2021  to 

25.11.2021 (Note:  03.12.2021  is the last  date for submission  of Registered Online  Application) 

 for recniitmani to  606 (six hundred  six) costs  of Assistant  Professors (State-14  in  

different  disciplines  in  Group-A  of  O.E.S.  (College  Branch)  of  Government Degree  Colleges 

 of  the  State  under  Department  of  Higher  Education  in  the  Scale  of Pay  - Cell-I of 

Level-10  of  the Pay matrix under ORSP (CT) Rules, 2019 with usual Deafness and other Allowances  

as admissible by the Government  from time to time.


As  per  requisition  filed  by  the  Department  of  Higher  Education,  Government  of Odisha,  

the  discipline-wise break  up  of   vacancy  position  along  with  reservation  thereof  is given 


N.B. - Candidates  shall  be selected  for  the post of  Assistant  Professors  (Stage- I) against 

the  PWD  Category   as  per  G.A.  Department  Resolution   No.34450/Gen,   dt.03.12.2013, SSEPD 

Department Resolution to.   7140, dt-05.09.2017  & No.1843/SSEPD, dt.25.02.2021.

(a)    The candidates belonging to PWD (whose permanent disability is 40% or more)  I Sports Person 

categories  when selected as per reservation provided  for them, shall be adjusted against the 

categories to which they belong.

(b)       Exchange  of  reservation  between  Scheduled  Caste  and  Scheduled  Tribe  will  not  



(c)      In  case  of  non-availability  of  eligible/  suitable  women  candidate(s)  belonging  

to  the respective  category,  the  refilled  vacancies  of  that  category  shall  be  filled  up  

by eliglble/suitable male candidate(s) of the same category.

(d)      The  number  of  vacancies  to be  filled  up  on  the  basis  of  this recruitment  is  

subject  to change   by   Government   without   notice,   dependin8  upon  the  exigencies   of   

public service at the discretion of the State Government.

3.    AGE :

A candidate must not be above 45 (forty five) years of age and under 21 (twenty one) years  of age 

on  the last date of receiving / submission  of online application  03.12.2021,  i.e. he or she 

must have been born not earlier than 04.12.1976 and not later thaii 03.12.2000.


"the upper age  limit  prescribed  above  is i elaxable  by  03 (live)  Years  for  candidates 

belonging  to  SC/ST/  SEBC Women  and  by  10  (ten)  years  for  Persons  with  Disabilities 

whose permanent disability is 40% and morc.

Persons   with   Disabilities   belonging   to   SC/ST/SEBC   category   are   eligible   foi 

curnulativc  age  relaxation  of  15  (fifteen)  years  i.e.  10  years  under  PWD  category  and  

05 years under SC/ST/SEBC  category


Date  of  birth  entered  in the High  School  Certificate  or  equivalent  certificate  issued by 

the concerned  Board/Council  will only be accepted  by the Commission.

4.  EDUCATIONAL  QUALIFICATION: A candidate must:-

(A)  Possess  a  master’s  Degree,  with  at  least  55%  of  marks  or  its  equivalent  grade,  

in  the

concerned/ relevant/ allied subject from an Indian University  or an equivalent  degree from a 

Foreign University.

Provided  that  for  the  candidates  belonging  to  Scheduled  Caste,  Scheduled  Tribe, SEBC  &  

Persons  with  Disabilitles  categories,  the  requirement  of securing  at least 55% marks shall 

be reduced to 50% marks Or lts equivalent  grade.

(B)  have cleared  National Eligibility Test (IT) meant for appointment  of Assistant Professor 

(Stage-I)   or trust have acquired  a Ph.D. Degree  in the concemed/  relevant/  allied  subject 

from an Indian University  or a Foreign  University.


A  candidate  is required  to pay a non-refundable and non-adjustable fee  of  Rs.400/- (lfupees  

four  hundred)  only.    Candidates  belonging  to  Scheduled  Caste,  Scheduled Tribe of  Odisha  

and Persons with Disabilities (whose permanent  disability is 40%  and moi-e) are exempted  from 

payment of this fee.

The  candidates  are  required  to  make  Online payment  of applicable  Exaiiiination Fee(s)  

through  OPSC  portal  using  Debit  Card/  Credft  Card/  Set  Banking  facilities  and other  

JnanCia/   instruments   enlisted   in   the  Payment  Page/  Cratewey   of  the  Odislia 

Crovernment   Treasury   Portal.   The   fee(s)   paid   shall   not   be   refunded   under   any 

tircumstances   nor   can   the   fee(s)   be   adjusted   or   held   in   reserve   for   any   

other examination  or recruitment.


A.       Selection for direct recruitment  to the rank of Assistant Professor (Stage-1) shall  be 

made by the  Commission  on  the  basis  of  merit  to  be judged  by  performance  in interview  

of eligible shortlisted candidates.

B.        The  Academic  score  as  specified  in Appendix-II  (Table  3B)  for  colleges  as  per  

UGC regulation,  2018 shall be considered  for shortlisting of candidates  for interview  which  is 

appended as Annexure — A to this advertisement.


C.        The  Commlssion  have  decided  that  03  (thee)  times  the  niimbcr  of  vacancies  

shall  be sliortllsted   for  interview  when  the  number  of  vacancies  is  more  tha3â  02  

(two).  For subjects   where  there  are  only   one  or  two  vacancies,   10  (ten)  candidates   

shall   be shortlisted  for intervi ew.

D.       On the basis of the result of intern iew, the Commission shall  pt epare a subject-wise  

merit list of successful  candidates,  arranged  in ordcr of  merit, equal  to the number  of posts 

to be filled up, and furnish the same to the Government.


(i)     The candidate should bc a citizen of India;

(ii)     The candidate  should  be able to read, write and speak in Odia and should  have passed 

Upper Primary examination,  or its equivalent, with .Odia as B subject.

(iii)    A candidate,  who has moie than one spouse living, wlll not be eligible  for appointment 

unless the State Government  has exempted his/her case from operation of this limitation for any 

good and sufficient reasons;

(iv)     If  a  candidate  has  at  any  time,  been  debarred  for  a  certain  period/chance(s)  

by  the Odisha  Public  Serrice  Commission  or  other  State  Public  Ser\ ice  Commission  or

U.P.S.C.  from  appearing  at any  examination/interview, he/she will not  be ellgible  for such 

recruitment  for that specified  period/chance(s);

(v)    Government servants, whether temporary  or permanent, are eligible to apply provided that 

they possess the requisite qualification  and are within the prescribed age-limit as provided  

under Para-3 & 4 of the Advertisement. They must inform   their respective Heads of Offices   in  

writing  regarding  submission   of  their applications   for  this recruitment and submit “No 

Objection Certificate” during document verification;

(vi)    Only  those  candidates,   who  possess   the  requisite  qualification   and  fulfil  

other eligibility conditions by the closing date of submission of online applications  will be 

considered  eligible.

(vii)    Every candidate  selected  for appointment  shall be examined  by the Medical Board. A 

candidate, who fails to satisfy the Medical Board, shall not be appointed;

(viii) A candidate  who claims change in his/her name after having passed the High School 

Certificate  Examination  or  equivalent  examination,  is  required  to  furnish  copy  of 

publication  of  the  changed  name in  local  Gazette  in  support  of  his/her  change  of name.


(i)  Online  applications  submitted  to OPSC if found  to be incomplete/incorrect in any respect  

are  liable  to  rejection  without  entertaining  any correspondence  with  the applicants on that 


(ii)  Admission to Viva vote will be provisional.  If on verification at any stage before or after  

the  Viva  Voce,  it  is  found  that  a  candidate  does  not  fulfil  all  the  eligibility 

conditions, his/her candidature will be liable to rejection. Decision  of the Commission in regard 

to eligibility or otherwise of candidate shall be final;

(iii) This  advertisement  should  not  be  construed  as  binding  on the  Government  to  make 


(iv) Concessions  meant for S.E.B.C & S.C./ S.T. categories  by Birth are admissible to the 

Socially  Educationally  Backward  Classes  ,Scheduled  Castes  & Scheduled  Tribes  of Odisha 



(v)   Community   (  SC/ST/SEBC)   once   mentioned   by   the   candidates   under   the 

appropriate  box  of the online  application   form, will  be treated  as final  and  the same 

shall n ot be changed subsequently  under any circumstances.

(i'i)  Any  misrepresentation  or suppression  of  information  by  the  candidate  in the  online 

application,   will  result  in   cancellation   of  his/her  candidature   or  penalty,  as 

decided  by the Commission, be imposed  on the candidate;

(vii) Mere empanelment  in the select list shall not confer any right for appointment  unless the 

Government  is satisfied  after making  such  enquiry  as may  be deemed  necessary that the 

candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service.


Candidates   are  required   to   upload    the  scan  copy  of  the  original   certificates, 

mark-sheets  and  other   documents   while  filling  the  online  application   form.  Only   

those who   are  called  fol‘  verification  of  original  documents  are  required  to  bring  

with  them  the onginal certificates, mark-sheets  etc. along with the hard copy of online 

application form  at the time of document verification.

If  a  candidate   fails  to  furnish  any  of  the  original   documents/  certilcates   at  the 

time  of  document   verification,  he/she  shall  not  be  allowed  to  appear  at  the  interview 

 & candidature shall be rejected.

(i)     H.S.C. or equivalent  certificate  in support of declaration  of age issued  by the 

concerned Board/Council;

(ii)    Bachelor's  Degree certlficate issued by the recognized  University;

(iii)   Master's  Degree  certificate  in  the  concerned/relevant/ allied   discipline  in  

respect   of educational qualification  prescribed for the recruitment:

(iv)    M. Phil Certificate;

(v)     NET qualified certificate ;

(vi)    Ph.D. Degree Certificate;

(vii)  Mark-lists in support of all the aforesaid Examinations  (H.S.C., Graduation  Degree, Post- 

Graduation Degree, M. Phil Degree etc.) including fail marks, lf any, issued by the concerned Board 

/ Council/  University.


(a)  Candidates who have not been  awarded  percentage of marks, but only “GRADE MARKS”,  should, 

along with their applications,  produce the conversion  certificate from the concerned  University 

indicating the actual equivalent  percentage   of  marks  and  the conversion  formula failing 

which, their applications are liable to be rejected.

(b)  While filling up the marks in the online application  form, the candidate has to mention the 

actual pass marks secured  by him/her in H.S.C., Degree, Post-Graduation, M. Phil etc. (i.e. 

excluding the marks secured in the Extra Optional/4" Optional Subject).

(viii) Two recent passport size photographs (unsigned & unattested) which has been uploaded with 

Offline applicFtti0n form.

(ix)    Odia Test pass certificate;

(x)     Caste certificate wherever applicable;

(xi)    Identity Card issued by the Director of Sports, Odisha, in case of Sports Persons, wherever 


(xii)   Permanent  Disability  Certificate  (indicating  percentage  of disability  of 40%  or 

more) issued by the Concerned Medical Boald, wherever applicable;


(xiii)    No  objection   certificate  from  their  competent  authorities  in  case  of  

Government Servants.

Any proof of identity.


(i)        Candidates  claiming  to  be  belonging to S.E.B.C /S.C./S.T.  categories  by  birth   

are require  to  submit  copy  of  the  relevant  Caste  Certificate  as  mentioned  in  their 

online  application  form  &  issued  by  the  competent  authority  in  the  prescribed form.  

Candidates of SEBC category (other than Cream} layer) must submit copy of  Caste Certificate issued 

 by the competent  authority  within  the last  three years   by  the  closing  date  for  

submission  of  online  application  form  in  the  prescribed format.

(ii)       The SEBC certificate which  is more than three years old  by the closing date of   

submis8i0n  of online application form is liable for reiection.  

(iii)     Women candidates belonging to S.E.B.C./S.C./S.T. categories are required  to submit  

Caste  Certificates  by  birth  showing  “daughter  of                                      ”.

.Caste Certificates  by virtue of  marriage  (i.e. showing “wife of                              ”)

arenot acceptable  and liable for rejection.



(v)      Community  (Caste status)  once  mentioned   by  the  candidates  shall  not  be changed  

under any circumstances.

(vi)      The  competent  authorities  to  issue  Caste Certificates are: - District Magistrate / 

Collector  or  Additional District Magistrate  or Sub-divisional

Magistrate  /  Sub-Collectors  or  Executive  Magistrates  or  Revenue  Officers,  not below  the  

rank  of  Tahasildar / Additional Tahasildar  of Government  of Odisha;


Degree  Certificate,  Post  Graduate  Degree  Certificate,  M.  Phil  Certificate,  NET qualified   

Certificate,   Ph.D.   Degree   Certificate,   Caste   Certificate,     Odia   Test   Pass 

Certificate,  Sports ,Persons  Certificate,   Permanent  Disability  Certificate  of Persons with 

Disabilities   (indicating   %   of   permanent   disability)   must   have   been   issued   by   

the competent   authority   within   the i  last   date   fixed   for      submission/   receipt   

of  online application forms.                                                         


Applications of candidates will be rejected by the Commission  on any of the following grounds:  -

(a)    In-complete online application form.

(b)   Non-submission of hard copy of online application form at the time of verification  of 

original documents.

(c)    Not signing Declaration (full signature) in the hard copy of online application form.

(d)  Not passing Odia Test /not furnishing Odia Test pass evidence as required  under Para- 7

(ii) of the Advertisement.

(e)    Not  coming  within  the age limit of  candidate  as mentioned  in  Para  - 3 of  

Advertisement (O›'erage  relaxation  shall  riot  be allowed  to P.W.D.  candidates  with  less  

than  40%  per- manent disability).

(II    Not having requisite qualification  as provided  under Para - 4 of Advertisement.

(g)    Not furnishing copies of certificates/documents as provided  under Para - 9 of 


(h)   Non-payment  of examination  fee, (wherever  applicable),  as provided  under Para - 5 of 


(i)    Submission  of wrong information/ false information  about qualification/ Age/ O.T. Pass 

evidence/ Category status (SEBC/SC/ST/PWD/ Sports PersonñVomen  etc.).

(j)    Suppression  of facts / information  about eligibility, if any.

(k)   Any other ground  as per the decision  of the Commission.

h&:  Application   /candidature  of  a  candidate  shall  be  rejected  at  any  stage  of  

recruitment process, when discrepancy is noticed/ detected.