National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj

National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), Hyderabad, an autonomous national institution under the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, is implementing a national level project namely – ‘Creating Clusters of Model Gram Panchayats to Achieve Holistic & Sustainable Development through Institutional Strengthening of GPs and Enablement of Quality GPDP across India’ over the next 2 years. For this, NIRDPR invites online applications from eligible candidates for contractual engagement of 10 State Programme Coordinators, 250 Young Fellows, and 250 Cluster Level Resource Persons to work in the identified 250 clusters across all States and UTs. Tenure of Engagement of all the posts is one year for the present. It may be extended on satisfactory performance of the incumbents, subject to continuation of the Project and discretion of authorities. 

Last date for receipt of online applications: 10.08.2020  

1) Position: State Programme Coordinator (No. of posts- 10) 

Consolidated Contractual Remuneration: Rs.55,000/- (Rupees fifty-five thousand) only per month plus travel and subsistence on tour as per norms of the NIRD&PR.  

2) Position: Young Fellow (No of posts – 250)

Consolidated Contractual Remuneration: Rs.35,000/- (Rupees thirty-five thousand) only per month, for working 25 full days every month and for meeting the cost of travel within the Cluster of posting; Travel and subsistence on official tour outside the district/cluster will be paid as per norms of the NIRD&PR.  

3) Position: Cluster Level Resource Person (No of posts- 250)

 Consolidated Contractual Remuneration: Rs.12,500/- (Rupees twelve thousand and five hundred) only per month for working 25 full days every month and for meeting the cost of travel inside the Cluster of posting; Travel and subsistence on official tour outside the district/cluster will be paid as per norms of the NIRD&PR.